Grants Process


The Pleasantville Fund for Learning Grants ProcesS

Every academic year, the Pleasantville Fund for Learning reviews grant applications from teachers and high school students. Each application must provide details of the proposed grant including its purpose, scope (which students will benefit and how), sustainability and, of course, the amount. Applicants must also determine if there are any other potential funding sources (particularly the School District budget) and how the success of the grant will be measured.

In October and February, the Grants Committee of the PFFL receives these applications and begins the evaluation process. The Committee will often meet with the applicant and with school administrators to refine the request, find out if there are any alternative ways to fund the grant, and determine its importance to the students of our District. This year we’re sending out information in February but asking for applications to be returned by April 21. We plan to go back to fall and spring next year.

The PFFL Grants Committee evaluates which grants will be funded. The criteria include: available grant funds; how much “bang-for-the-buck” the grant has; benefits to the students; number of students affected by grant; sustainability of grant; fit to curriculum; does it offer an hands-on experience; and is it something new. The Committee tries to balance grants among schools, across disciplines, and throughout the student body.

In December and June, the Committee makes the awards to the students and teachers who have been chosen. The grant money can only be spent on what was proposed. The PFFL continues to monitor how the money was spent, and follows up to see the success of each grant.

If you have any questions regarding the Grants Process, please get in touch with one of the PFFL Grant Co-Chairs, Danielle Kaley ( and Andi Busch (

Click here to access the PFFL Grant Application